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Just For Me

This activity will help you reflect on what, if any, gaps exist within your local data system that will inhibit successful implementation of SPDG.

This information is important because a decision support data system is one of the organization drivers that will help the LSS implementation team create a hospitable environment for SPDG.



  • Please answer the following questions in the discussion forum:
    1. Are there any missing elements in your LSS decision support data system?
    2. Is there consensus among your team that these elements are missing?
    3. What steps need to be taken by your team to add additional data fields?
    4. Whose assistance is needed to ensure that these new fields are added into your LSS decision support data system?
  • Access the Discussion Forum by clicking here.
  • Click on your team name.
  • Click on the Discussion Thread entitled Just For Me:  TAP-IT - Reflection.
  • Read the discussion prompt and click Reply.
  • Type your response in the text box and click Submit.