Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program Online Referral System  

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MD Infants & Toddlers Program Online Referral System User's Guide

The MD Infants & Toddlers Program Online Referral system was created to provide a way for everyone to refer children to the Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program.


The Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program serves children ages birth to 36 months who reside in Maryland.


A child does not have to have a doctor's referral or diagnosed condition to be referred - only a suspected delay identified, such as when a child is missing developmental milestones or has failed hearing or vision screening. Federal regulations require primary referral sources (parents; grandparents; caregivers, e.g., child care workers; home visiting agencies; and, individuals licensed or certified to work with children) to refer any child suspected of having a developmental delay.


If you would like to receive more information prior to making a referral, you can call 1-800-535-0182 or make a referral by calling the family's local program directly.


Dashboard screen print with Refer a Child button visible to user


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Online Referral System


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