Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program Online Referral System  

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Refer this Child

To refer a child, information is entered in a series of steps.  

Click the Refer this Child button.

Child Details screen shote


Steps for Referring this Child:

Click on the Referrer information on the left side to get started.  As you enter the information on the right, click the Save and Continue button to go through the steps.


Referrer Information:


Referrer information screen shot


Child Information:


Child Information screen shot


Parent/Guardian & Family Information:


Referring menu with Parent Guardian Information highlighted


Reason for Referral:


Referring menu with Reason for Referral highlighted


Additional Details:


Additional details screen shot


Supporting Documentation:


Referring menu with Supporting Documentation highlighted


Submit Referral to MDITP:


Referring menu with Submit Referral to MDITP highlighted