Making Access Happen  

two young children playing with paper boats
Through this module, we will explore ways to create a learning environment that supports developmentally appropriate practices.


Welcome to the physical environment session! Using your space to support children's learning is an important piece to meeting the developmental needs of children. Choosing the right materials for children to interact with and designing space to inspire learning is essential to ensuring your space is developmentally appropriate.

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • Familiarize yourself with the decisions you have to make in choosing toys and materials for your setting.
  • Familiarize yourself with the decisions you have to make in arranging your learning environments.
  • Familiarize yourself with the three main pieces of the "Universal Design for Learning (UDL)" framework.

Here is a printable note-taking form to help you keep track of information, ideas, and other thoughts as you go through the Physical Environment section.

Physical Environment Printable Note-taking Form

When you're ready to begin, select the presentation tab at the top navigation menu.