Making Access Happen  

two young children playing with paper boats

Physical Environment for DAP

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Big Ideas

This section presents information on how to make decisions for setting up learning environments and choosing developmentally appropriate toys and materials for young children to support their development and learning. In addition, the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL),a framework for creating curriculum and environments that meets the needs of all learners, is reviewed.

Try It

  1. If you are a trainer, child care / preschool director, or resource specialist, you may use this section of the module or pieces of this section to enhance your trainings of early childhood educators / providers on how to design learning spaces and choosing developmentally appropriate materials.
  2. If you are a parent or family member, you can review the module to learn more about developmentally appropriate practice and how physical environments can support children’s development and learning.
  3. If you are an early childhood educator, you can go through the practice opportunities built into this section to test your knowledge –
    1. Activity – Toy must haves and why
    2. Activity – Toy match to best age group
    3. Reflection Opportunity – Consider your early childhood space from the point of view of a child and think through the provided questions.
    4. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) activity and reflection opportunity
  4. If you are a child care provider, you can earn core knowledge hours by reviewing the sections of the module and take the quiz after each section.
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