Maryland Online IEP  


Veronique is the mother of Robert, a 14-year-old boy who receives special education services as a student with an Intellectual Disability. Veronica participates in a parent support group and researches special education topics online. Veronica stated that Robert’s IEP meetings when he was younger tended to be rushed, lasting only 15 minutes or so. She recalled she would enter the room and be asked what her concerns were regarding his education. Her input would be entered into a parental concerns box but would not impact any of the goals or services he received. She reported not understanding what she could and could not do in the IEP meeting. She reported trying to repeatedly advocate for the school to begin reading services for Robert but felt that “my request was just dismissed and I was condescended;” Robert’s services were not changed, even though she was concerned about his lack of progress.

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Family Engagement: Post-Module Poll

Rate your comfort level with including families in the IEP process on a scale of 1-5, with 5 indicating highest level of comfort.